Embryotransfer (ET) and insemination (AI) training is very important branch in Animal Breading and Insemination Center Ltd. in Bydgoszcz. We organise ET and AI training for inseminator candidates. The trainings are led by the most qualified and experienced specialists. Trainings contain wide range of theory and pratice. Students learn the basics of animal breeading, anatomy and physiology of the reproductive system, technology of producion, seamen’s storage and transport. Compleated course enables you to do farm animals’ artificial insemination. Our certificate are supervised by Ministry of Agriculture and Rular Development of Poland. Trainings are organized all over Poland. We are also able to organize training wherever it is needed. Courses are very popular among technical schools and universities. We also have recomendation from: Lithuania, Uzbekistan and Ukraine.
Indeks gPF 169 | PL005451387267