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If it’s SHiUZ – it must be SHiUZ Bydgoszcz!

SHiUZ, from the Polish name Stacja Hodowli i Unasieniania Zwierząt (Animal Breeding and Insemination Centre), was the name given to all such centres until the year 2000, when four new centres were set up. Our Bydgoszcz centre became the only one retaining the old name SHiUZ. We operate through our divisions in Piątnica, Olecko and Zamość, as well as a seller network and some 3,000 insemination points scattered throughout Poland. We have built a strong and modern company on the 60 or more years of tradition and experience, to become the current leader in animal genetics and reproduction as well as insemination technologies.

Mission statement

The primary goals we have set for ourselves are to promote Polish animal husbandry – which has already reached world standards – and to provide top quality services to our customers. We always want to stand by the breeders, share our experience with them, cooperate for the improvement of the genetic value of cattle and pigs, and jointly run breeding programmes.

We produce semen of milk and beef bulls

In our own laboratories, with world class equipment, we produce sire semen according to world standards. Thus we can offer breeders semen of the best bulls with high breeding value. We also provide insemination services.

We offer sexed semen

Those breeders who wish to have a higher certainty of female offspring should buy our sexed semen. Our first bulls with sexed semen are Boston ET and Bakarat.

We run bull assessment and selection programmes

We carry out a bull assessment and selection programme based on Polish animals – majority of bulls incorporated into the programme come from Polish breeders.  With this assessment and selection programme we are able to offer world class semen of high breeding value, but at the same time proven in Polish conditions.

We produce boar semen

We offer semen of pure-bred boars (Polish Large White, Polish Landrace, Duroc and Pietrain) from the best Polish or imported breeding herds. We also sell semen of hybrid boars. Our semen is produced using Computer Assisted Semen Analysis (CASA), which enables precise and objective semen quality assessment.

We are an exclusive producer and seller of semen from hybrid boars belonging to the MaxiMus line, which ensures quickly growing fatteners with simultaneous minimisation of stress. MaxiMus boars are the best choice for livestock producers who wish to produce lean pork as efficiently as possible.

In our production of boar semen, we use the latest SelFix technology, which we were the first to introduce in Poland. SelFix comprises a catheter and semen container, constituting one whole. This enables breeders to inseminate sows on their own, and ensures high effectiveness, time efficiency as well as user comfort. The product is always ready to use and does not require heating. For semen preservation we use a thinner which guarantees suitability for use for 6 days. If requested, we can also provide insemination doses collected in a blister or tube.

We took Polish breeding to world level through genotyping

SHiUZ Bydgoszcz was the first insemination company to start work on the introduction of genomic selection in Poland, funded entirely from our own money. In 2004 we created the first Polish bull DNA bank and bought all internationally approved equipment needed in our cattle genotyping laboratory.

All of our bulls are assessed in terms of their breeding value based on the genome. Traditional testing on offspring is done using the best animals, so that benefits for the breeder are as big as possible and they can be sure they are using proven material.

Benefits of applying genome-based valuation are reflected in much faster selection response, which is possible thanks to access to the youngest and thoroughly checked bulls. What is more, genomics ensures better selection of heifers for herd replacement, detection of new cow families and, very importantly, inhibition of inbreeding development.

We still develop new projects to optimization and improve breeding and milk production.

We accelerate selection response with the use of embryo transfer

SHiUZ Bydgoszcz is the only insemination company with its own embryo transfer centre, which indisputably leads the way in Poland for the state-of-the-art embryo transfer technology. The primary task of this centre is to support farms in the area of livestock reproduction through obtaining top class embryos from the world’s best parental pairs and multiplication of as many super heifers and bull calves as possible in the barns of farmers who participate in the Bull Assessment and Selection Programme.

Evaluation of cows and computer aided reproductive selection

We work for breeding success together with the breeders. We run a wide-ranging programme for consultancy on the breeding, feeding and reproduction of animals.

Our experts visit breeders and evaluate their animals to enable them to conduct proper reproductive selection of bulls in terms of their conformation. Our bull selection is done with the use of special computer software for bull selection (Matesel 2), enabling us to improve health and conformation, and inhibit inbreeding development.

We draw on our knowledge, experience and technology to support our breeders in pursuit of the best results in their herds. We cooperate with the best Polish experts, with whom you can discuss your issues as well.

We conduct insemination  training

Education and insemination (AI) training is very important branch in Animal Breading and Insemination Center Ltd. in Bydgoszcz. We organise AI training for inseminator candidates. The trainings are led by the most qualified and experienced specialists. Trainings contain wide range of theory and pratice. Students learn the basics of animal breeading, anatomy and physiology of the reproductive system, technology of producion, seamen’s storage and transport. Compleated course enables you to do farm animals’ artificial insemination. Our certificate are supervised by Ministry of Agriculture and Rular Development of Poland. Trainings are organized all over Poland. We are also able to organize training wherever it is needed. Courses are very popular among technical schools and universities. We also have recomendation from: Lithuania, Uzbekistan and Ukraine.


We are successful on foreign markets

In 2003 SHiUZ was included on the list of centres approved for exporting bull semen to the European Union countries, as well as on the list of export centres of the Chief Veterinary Officer.

We enjoy strong relationships with companies all over the world, often exchanging with them bull and boar semen, animal embryos and technologies. The quality of our top bulls has been appreciated in the Western Europe as well as in the US, and the technologies we use enable us to reach the same standards as the best world producers, and to meet the demanding qualitative requirements of foreign customers.

In 2010, our presence on the Eastern markets culminated in setting up the Polusuz company in Uzbekistan. Currently, we are developing direct sales on Eastern markets in Ukraine, Lithuania and Kirgizstan.

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